Floods are one of the most common and devastating natural disasters that can occur anywhere, causing widespread damage and destruction to homes, businesses, and communities. An average of 13 flood disasters occur yearly in the United States claiming 114 lives annually. With climate change causing erratic weather conditions, it’s wise to expect more floods and prepare for them with emergency supplies.

In order to prepare for such an emergency, it's important to have a flood kit on hand. A flood emergency kit is a collection of essential items to help you and your family members stay safe and comfortable during and after a flood. It is a must-have for every household and should be stored in an easily accessible place. A typical flood emergency kit should include items such as food, a can opener, water, first aid supplies, clothing, flashlights, a charger, extra batteries, and a battery-powered radio.

Flood preparedness is critical to survival and can be the difference between life and death. It is important to have a disaster survival kit in your home, and make sure it is updated regularly. Remember, it is always better to be prepared and have a flood emergency kit on hand, just in case. Here are 8 great items to build your flood emergency kit.

In order to prepare for such an emergency, it's important to have a flood kit on hand. A flood emergency kit is a collection of essential items to help you and your family members stay safe and comfortable during and after a flood. It is a must-have for every household and should be stored in an easily accessible place. A typical flood emergency kit should include items such as food, a can opener, water, first aid supplies, clothing, flashlights, a charger, extra batteries, and a battery-powered radio.

Flood preparedness is critical to survival and can be the difference between life and death. It is important to have a disaster survival kit in your home, and make sure it is updated regularly. Remember, it is always better to be prepared and have a flood emergency kit on hand, just in case. Here are 8 great items to build your flood emergency kit.

Flood preparedness is critical to survival and can be the difference between life and death. It is important to have a disaster survival kit in your home, and make sure it is updated regularly. Remember, it is always better to be prepared and have a flood emergency kit on hand, just in case. Here are 8 great items to build your flood emergency kit.


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Protect your property or home in times of flooding with this water-activated flood barrier. This flood barrier shields your doorways during flooding by containing and diverting flood waters during flooding which prevents water from getting into your home. The Quick Dam Flood Barrier grows 3.5 inches high within minutes when it gets wet. It is compact, lightweight, and can be stored away until it’s needed. It is also easy to use, just place it firmly beneath the door and it activates automatically when it gets wet. It is a valuable addition to your emergency preparedness kit.


Power outages are a common feature in natural disasters like floods or hurricanes. Having a battery-powered weather radio in your emergency kit will ensure that you get timely weather alerts and rescue updates in your area. This portable, hand crank radio is equipped with a 3-way power source including a solar panel, and a built-in 2000mAh Li-ion rechargeable battery. The radio can be used as an emergency power bank to charge your cell phone during prolonged power outages. It also comes with a 1W LED Flashlight that maximizes visibility in the dark. This device is a must-have item for a flood emergency kit.


Items like insurance policies, passports, certificates, and cash are often destroyed during floods. This is because people secure human lives first before they consider the safety of these important documents, and rightly so. This waterproof document holder protects your documents, cash, phones, and other important valuables no matter the extent of the flooding.


This powerful hand-held fan keeps you cool during emergency situations. It is made up of a pivoting fan head that blows the breeze directly where you need it most, three-speed settings which allows you to adjust the breeze intensity to your convenience, and a built-in handle that makes the fan easy to move. It also has two outlets that allow you to plug other tools to the device.


Spare batteries are essential items in any flood emergency kit. These rechargeable batteries are made with advanced lithium charging technology that enables them to charge 12 times faster than normal rechargeable batteries. Designed for performance and reliability, these modern ion lithium batteries provide 1.5V and can be used to charge your phone and laptop.


Experts say that the most important item to have during a prolonged emergency is drinking water. This is because dehydration causes a lot of complications and drinking contaminated water can cause infection. Boxed water provides 100% pure water with no added minerals in a renewable plant-based box. Stay hydrated at all times regardless of the situation with this eco-friendly boxed water. Keep these near your supply of non-perishable food and other personal hygiene items.


Most stores are either closed down or out of stock during floods. When this happens, having cleaning products in your emergency kit will help you keep your clothes and environment clean until things return to normal. These cleaning products are effective stain removers and are also helpful in killing mold.


This multi-purpose 72 hours emergency kit prepares you for almost any emergency event or natural disaster. The backpack contains basic disaster survival items like flashlight, first aid kit, toothbrush, toilet paper, goggles, whistle, knife, emergency blanket, light Stick, emergency food ration bars and water with a 5-year shelf life. These items include a basic kit list recommended by FEMA and the American Red Cross for emergency preparedness. Be ready for a tropical storm or wildfire with a personal survival kit.